Picture of Zekwande cooking with Chef Ntwentle Gcabashe

The Autistic Liberation Movement: Education and Training

R1,445.00 of R0.00 Raised
This programme aims to support Zekwande Mathenjwa, working with other fellow Nonspeaking Autistic advocates to reach various stakeholders in our society to explain autism from a Nonspeaking Autism perspective by Nonspeaking Autistics. In particular this programme will be biased towards visiting underprivileged communities to help them understand the body mind disconnect of living with Autism, de-stigmatise autism and enable families to provide the necessary daily support to the autistics. Members of the public, educators and care-givers will also receive training on how better to engage, support and live with Nonspeaking Autistic from a Nonspeakers’ perspective. To enhance this programme, Zekwande Mathenjwa is engaged in developing training material for this audience.

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